A Band of Brothers in the greater Charlotte area seeking to connect with God and each other. Regular gathering EVERY Tuesday night at 7 p.m. at The Barn, 8.2 minutes south of Ballantyne near Indian Land, SC (listed on Google Maps as 8800 Collins Road - Fort Mill, SC) ...New guys show up every week...join us. ~ Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be men of courage, be strong, do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Friday, November 7, 2008
Mission is under way - Retreat 2008
Your brother in Christ,
Lt. Dan
Fwd: Where on earth is Father working...?
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Fwd: Tuesday, November 4th
Date: Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 11:06 PM
Subject: RE: Tuesday, November 4th
Greetings Men!
Yes we will be meeting Tuesday Night!...Go Vote and come on out!!
I hope that you have all had a great week and that you are fighting the Good Fight!
Last week we ventured into what was probably "uncharted territory" for many of you as we tried to discover those areas in our lives where we are hiding…or "posing". I hope that you have asked of The Father to reveal those places in your life as you Walk with God...and. if you think that you are not Posing in some way…well…we will see…This week….The wound…..we must recognize and deal with the poser! We must also go to the wound! A wound that can't be touched, is a wound that is not healed….The enemy does not want you at the barn this week!..You must be intentional and press on.
Now , for a couple of reminders and updates…
1) Read up Through Chapters 4 and 5 in "Wild at Heart"!
2) If you have the field manual, work your way through a few of the questions regarding "The Poser"…If you don't have a field manual, see the PDF file attachment to this email and work through a couple of the questions there.
3) Men…This is our third week. I hope the small groups are working well for you…It is such an encouragement to see you, and hear how you are getting together with each other…even one on ones. This will bare much fruit in your lives as you continue to walk in restoration and Life! ENGAGE!! Let nothing stand in the way of you doing what you can to walk in your true identity and strength with other men!
this week we have closed any additional participation during this series. This will become very important as we spend more time together in our formation and Individual Platoons. If you know of someone who would like to attend at a later date, there will be other initiatives starting plus we have several allies that may be starting a series that we can plug them in to!
Men! Stick with this…Do not let the enemy take you out…He will try (If he hasn't made an attempt already)
If you have questions feel free to call me at 704-xxx-xxxx
Strength and Honor!
Kevin Casner
Wild at Heart - Session Three Questions
Three – The Wound
First, it is not necessarily one clear wound, given on an unforgettable day you remember in detail. Many men can recall the day they received a soul-wound from their father that somehow defined the rest of their relationship with him. But for others, it is an accumulation of subtle wounds and messages give over time. Second, I believe that every man carries a wound(s). No matter how good a man your father was, and may still be, he is not Jesus Christ. Every father is a son of Adam, and every father himself grew up on a world
far from Eden. Given these two Biblical truths, be very, very cautious to come to the conclusion that you somehow escaped the father-wound. Your father may have repented deeply of his own false self as a young man, and been substantially healed of his own wound before he fathered you. But that is a rare, rare case. Finally, you have been born into a world at war. A war over the souls of men. The enemy desires to steal, kill and destroy - YOU. It is highly unlikely that he has not been successful in wounding your soul at some point in your life. Do not dismiss the assault of the enemy as you identify your wounds.
What is/are your wound(s)? Can you put words to it? Do you remember how
it was given, the way it came?
And what was the message of the wound – or the series of wounds? What did it say to you about yourself?
What agreements have you made about who you are – in essence saying “This is the way I am”? Have you ever considered deeply why you are “this way?”
Can you remember making a sort of vow when you were younger – maybe after being wounded? What was the vow?
What did you father “name” you – what identity did he bestow on you as a boy and young man?
Some wounds originate due to absence – physical, emotional, spiritual. “Not receiving a blessing from your father is an injury. Not seeing your father when you are small, never being with him, having a remote father, a workaholic father, is an injury.” Did you receive a wound of this type?
Do you live each day with a deep inner strength that comes from knowing you are a real man, that you have what it takes? Or are you a driven man, or a passive man? When did that feeling of drivenness or passivity set in? Did it originate during a certain period of life?
Many men take their “question” to the woman and want her to validate them as men. For a passive man it may mean you need to stand up to your wife. For a violent man (including achievers) it means stop abusing her. Many men make the woman their adventure. How have you handled the woman in your life? What have you been seeking from her?
What would you love to have heard from your father?
Monday, November 3, 2008
Car pooling and ride needed to the Retreat
We have several requests for rides and car pooling to the Retreat. For example, guys need rides from Huntersville, Matthews, Fort Mill and Jackson Park.
Here is my proposed plan:
Connect with a Group Leader and chose a Pace Car with a driver.
Here's some good choices for vehicles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Indianapolis_500_pace_cars
Pick a specific time for departure. Dinner starts a 6:30
Pick a meeting place with safe parking. The church has cleared for use, preferably behind small tent. That parking lot is near the cell tower in the back.
Please reply to me with your plans quickly. I will coordinate the requests and direct them to you as needed. Tell who is your group's point of contact with cell numbers.
Second Annual Fourth of July Extravaganza

Thanks to Everyone came...It was a Blast