521 BBQ & Grill
7580 Charlotte Highway, Indian Land, S.C.
"Butts rubbed nightly"
A Band of Brothers in the greater Charlotte area seeking to connect with God and each other. Regular gathering EVERY Tuesday night at 7 p.m. at The Barn, 8.2 minutes south of Ballantyne near Indian Land, SC (listed on Google Maps as 8800 Collins Road - Fort Mill, SC) ...New guys show up every week...join us. ~ Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be men of courage, be strong, do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
521 BBQ & Grill
7580 Charlotte Highway, Indian Land, S.C.
"Butts rubbed nightly"
Thanks to all who could make it. Here is a recap of our time...
1. What a great story about Captain Bll Eckerd and his WWII experience as well as his journey to a reunion of the 100th infantry division taking him by the Barn and Haines and Kevin and Bill's son Robin. A heart changed... yours and Capt. Bills. That is a great story. Thanks for reminding us all of the power of God and this message to come after us.
2. Remembering what happened to you. Weve all heard John and the RH team talk about the thief coming to steal, though that can happen and does, often we just file the good stuff away and don't return to it. I was struck by this a couple of weeks ago and wanted to start our time with that inviting question: So, What happened to you? God has brought us all so far from where we were that a couple of minutes on the phone obviously wont do it justice but some time with Him or another man reflecting on it will do your heart good, I'm sure of it!
3. Men on a Mission
Jeff Andrecyn and his team from Charlottesville are speakers at a men's retreat in Columbia... Carrying this message in four sessions this weekend as well as inviting these men to more at TOP GUN in March 09.
Haines, Kevin, Dan, Ernie and the Band from Charlotte are doing the Men of Steele (Steel Creek Church) men's retreat next weekend
Tad Fisher and Mark Leinberger in Richmond, Roanoke and Salem are taking their squadron into a mission for the hearts of men at their churches men's retreat in a couple of weeks.
Rob Loghery in Philly area is taking a men's Boot Camp to the Methodist churches in Nov in his area and at a Methodist Camp in the Pocono's.
Kevin Keifer from DC is taking 12 men in his foxhole to Nagshead (the beach) to go deeper in their friendships and relationships. Sharing their stories and finding more clarity in their lives.
The Zoweh team Durham/Chapel Hill is offering a couples weekend Oct 24-26. A getaway for us (the couples of the eastern front) to enjoy getting to know one another from the Eastern Front. There is still room for 3 couples.
Mark Folk and his team at New Wilderness Adventures is having their Golf event fundraiser coming up
4. Some Encouraging Words we ended on...
Rent Mr. Holland's Opus
The Gospel is not about Relief but Restoration
We are not settlers but pilgrims who travel lightly and with great purpose.
We (the allies of the Eastern Front) are changed men and therefore Compelled to do what we do... offer Life and Freedom to others while seeking it and living it ourselves.
There are no short cuts, just ordained delays.
Get Gary's Calling CD, the one entitled - Unveiling Your Purpose
5. This is a definition that Gary shared in West Virginia regarding Military Special Ops...
Special Ops: Operations conducted by specially organized, trained, forces to achieve military, political, economic, or informational objectives by unconventional means in hostile, denied, or politically sensitive areas. (behind enemy lines)
Thats Us!!!
6. TOP GUN March 09. Attached is the flier and poster for the event. We need your help going after the hearts of men and want you to consider roles on I-Team, Work Crew, Free Time fun and even a free time workshop or two. Feel free to change the bottom of the poster and put your name and contact info . Leave the registration info there at the bottom. A dvd promo highlight is coming for you to share, paint the picture.
Michael Thompson