A Band of Brothers in the greater Charlotte area seeking to connect with God and each other. Regular gathering EVERY Tuesday night at 7 p.m. at The Barn, 8.2 minutes south of Ballantyne near Indian Land, SC (listed on Google Maps as 8800 Collins Road - Fort Mill, SC) ...New guys show up every week...join us. ~ Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be men of courage, be strong, do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Upcoming Discipleship Classes - December 5-6
I want to make special invitation for you to attend the upcoming Discipleship Classes.
Charlie Crowley and I are interested in taking the class for studying the Word.
David Long is an excellent teacher and the Lord is leading me to do inductive studies of the Bible.
With the recent events one might consider the class called Oneness.
Please pray with me for those taking the D-1 class.
Kind Regards,
Daniel K. "Dan" King
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
God's Wild Men at The Barn
Barn Schedule for balance of 2008:
Tuesday, Dec 2 – Michael Thompson from Zoweh Ministries (www.zoweh.com from Durham/Chapel Hill) will be leading us through a session on The Adventure that God has called us to be a part of.
Tuesday, Dec 9 – Local talent will lead us through some thoughts on The Beauty. No elaboration – come at your own risk. (Stay tuned for possible Saturday Dec 13 follow-up 8-10 a.m.)
Tuesday, Dec 16 – Wrap up focuses on moving forward as a Band of Brothers.
Sessions run from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
5:30 – 6:50 p.m. Drop in at Showmars at SC HWY 160 and 521/Johnston Road south of Ballantyne. Back left hand corner of restaurant in semi-private room.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Fwd: FW: God's Wild Men at The Barn
I hope that you are finding yourself walking in strength, drawing closer to the Father, and asking His guidance as you walk in your true identity (exactly who He created you to be).
Last week we had an awesome time of fellowship as we enjoyed the cookout, campfire, and a provoking movie with a great story...
This week we press on into the second half of the series with "A Battle to Fight"! We are excited to have our allies from New Wilderness Adventures "on point" for this weeks formation.
If you have missed the last couple of weeks, you will not want to miss this weeks gathering!
Remember...the enemy comes to steal kill, and destroy...his tactics include discouragement, accusation, shame, distractions and anything else that would keep you from engaging!
Here is what is coming up for "the home stretch" of the series at "The Barn"
Tuesday, Nov 25 – Mark Folk and his team from New Wilderness Adventures (based in Shelby http://newwildernessadventures.com/) will be sharing about "The Battle"
Tuesday, Dec 2 – Michael Thompson from Zoweh Ministries (www.zoweh.com) from Durham/Chapel Hill) will be leading us through a session on The Adventure that God has called us to be a part of.
Tuesday, Dec 9 – Local talent will lead us through some thoughts on The Beauty. No elaboration – come at your own risk.
Tuesday, Dec 16 – Wrap up focuses on moving forward in a Band of Brothers.
Sessions run from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
5:30 – 6:50 p.m. Drop in at Showmars at SC HWY 160 and 521/Johnston Road south of Ballantyne. Back left hand corner of restaurant in semi-private room.
We hope to see you all this Tuesday!
Strength and Honor!
Kevin, Haines & Crew
Second Annual Fourth of July Extravaganza

Thanks to Everyone came...It was a Blast