Saturday February 28th…7:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.…Work day at “The Barn” to clean up, straighten up, set up, pray over the property, and fellowship. 10:30 a.m.…Help a BRIT! Barn Bro Paul Gohl and his bride need some hands to help them move from the Steele Creek area. Contact paulgohl@yahoo.co.uk 704.576.5417
Tuesday, March 3 - Journey of Discovery - we're cranking up another 8-week series at The Barn. 7 p.m. til 8:59 p.m. What does it look like to walk in the strength God has called men to walk in...to find our hearts....to walk in our true calling and identity. film clip collection, words of wisdom from John Eldredge (Wild at Heart), Erwin McManus (The Barbarian Way), C.S. Lewis and friends, lots of small group breakout time (you'll surely learn more from each other than the wise, old Barn leaders). Note: This will be limited to first 24 guys who can commit to the series.
March 19-22 - Top Gun 2009 in the mountains of Virginia. Awesome weekend retreat featuring a large contingent of brothers from Charlotte/Rock Hill/Fort Mill and across the Carolinas. Check it out (http://www.zoweh.com/), check the calendar, check in with the social director, jump in. If you don't have the dough, the scholarship fund is growing.
Summer of 2009 - A major studio MAY be announcing filming of a new project about the Barn starring Kevin Casner. Working titles under consideration are Dances with Wild Men and Beer: Helping White Men Dance since 1939.
Summer of 2009 - A major studio MAY be announcing filming of a new project about the Barn starring Kevin Casner. Working titles under consideration are Dances with Wild Men and Beer: Helping White Men Dance since 1939.