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Monday, November 3, 2008

Car pooling and ride needed to the Retreat

We have several requests for rides and car pooling to the Retreat. For example, guys need rides from Huntersville, Matthews, Fort Mill and Jackson Park.

Here is my proposed plan:

  1. Connect with a Group Leader and chose a Pace Car with a driver.

  2. Here's some good choices for vehicles:

  3. Pick a specific time for departure. Dinner starts a 6:30

  4. Pick a meeting place with safe parking. The church has cleared for use, preferably behind small tent. That parking lot is near the cell tower in the back.

  5. Please reply to me with your plans quickly. I will coordinate the requests and direct them to you as needed. Tell who is your group's point of contact with cell numbers.

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Second Annual Fourth of July Extravaganza

Second Annual Fourth of July Extravaganza
Thanks to Everyone came...It was a Blast