A Band of Brothers in the greater Charlotte area seeking to connect with God and each other. Regular gathering EVERY Tuesday night at 7 p.m. at The Barn, 8.2 minutes south of Ballantyne near Indian Land, SC (listed on Google Maps as 8800 Collins Road - Fort Mill, SC) ...New guys show up every week...join us. ~ Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be men of courage, be strong, do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sons of Issachar Take the Island!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
"The Barn"... How It All Started, Part II
Continued from Part I...
About a year before I started the meetings at The Barn I was at my church and had gone up to speak with one of the pastors. After a brief exchange he looked at me and asked, " when are you and your wife going to start a home group"? I had just returned from my second Boot Camp in Colorado. I told him that what I really was interested in was "ministry for men", and told him of some of my experiences with the Wild at Heart message. He responded with, " ain't that somethin,..well if you do it and it works, we'll get behind you!"
Looking back, I think that I left a little discouraged. What I was wanting, in my heart...and my flesh, was for him to validate what I was doing and help me to get a men's ministry going for the church!...I'm so thankful today that he didn't!
We cranked up at the Barn utilizing a DVD series that Ransomed Heart Ministries made available. Many that have read Wild at Heart don't realize that there is a DVD series. One brother who showed up at The Barn about 4 years ago had read the book several times, then after going through the series said it was a "2 x 4 experience" for him...in a good way. He then went on to offer the series at his church several times...and is now an integral part of leadership at The Barn.
About 18 months after that conversation with my pastor, we were both leaving church one day and he asked, "Are you still meeting with those guys at The Barn?" I said that we were and he asked if I wanted to put out some fliers or brochures at the church. I responded "no, I don't think so"...this was because within the 8 guys that were meeting at The Barn, five different churches were represented. In consideration of those involved, I didn't think that it would be appropriate to make it a "one church" thing. Once again my pastor responded "ain't that somethin"! ...I believe that having multiple church's involved has helped to make the whole experience at The Barn more dynamic.
We had several meetings about what was going on at The Barn. He even got his interns to start reading Wild at Heart. My pastor was very supportive of what we were doing and gave me a couple of opportunities to be a part of the "men's outreach" that they were launching at the church. The men's outreach at the church evolved into a monthly meeting with a "speaker". The best part was when they would break up into small groups. where the men could share and build relationships.
I struggle personally with the way most churches approach "Men's Ministry". It turns into bringing in a "speaker", creating some type of service work, or having a worship night, mostly with little opportunity for the men to interact with each other. . All of these are great, but I have never seen where these get into the real issues that men are faced with these days. In regard to the issues that men face, I've heard pastors say "get over it" or stop doing that" etc. etc. If that really worked, I believe the fatherlessness, abandonment, divorce, addictions, and the lack of men participating in the church would be less of an epidemic than it is.
Over the last five and half years it's been amazing how men have "wound up" at The Barn. We've run in to groups of men in coffee shops looking to connect with others. Some have heard about it in casual conversations with friends, while others are sent to us from local Christian counseling. We've never really advertised or promoted The Barn formally...Guys just keep showing up...and more often than not, they keep coming back. About 8 months ago during a meeting at The Barn there were 19 men that represented 9 different church fellowships in attendance. I was wondering, "why do these guys show up here on Tuesdays"?...Maybe they are getting something that they can't get (or not offered) elsewhere.
Even though I know that "mens ministry" could be so much more than most make it, I'm thankful that God has given us this "mission" at The Barn. My hope is that we can be a resource for the entire body of Christ by continuing to offer a place where men can gather and experience More Life, Love and Freedom with Jesus Christ. As Jesus wanted His disciples to spend time with Him, we are intentional about creating an environment where men can experience God, receive healing and restoration in their hearts, and become the men, fathers, sons, husbands, brothers, and friends that God designed us to be!
We didn't start out to be a "ministry"...but "Ministry" is what happens... at The Barn
"The Barn"... How It All Started
In October of 2003, a great friend called me from Georgia to tell me about this thing that some of the men in his church were doing...some kind of "video series" from a book called "Wild at Heart".
He had never done anything like this before so I went and bought this book...
Before I continue, here's a little background...
I was raised in a denominational church where I had experienced "religion", but not so much of a "relationship" with Jesus Christ. After wandering for many years, I rededicated my life to Christ when I was 30 years old. This happened in a more charismatic church where I enjoyed some great teaching, awesome worship, new friends and ultimately met and married my wife.
During my years at this church, there was a series of meetings led by the senior pastor called "Real Men". I don't really recall much of the content of the series, but was excited about the idea of 200 +/- men gathering every week to fellowship, and build relationships. When the "series" was over the meetings were suppose to continue. Unfortunately without the senior pastors leading, the numbers diminished quickly...75, then 30, until it was about 7 or 8 of us that met every Wednesday night at a small home near the church...This was my first exposure to a "Band of Brothers", men coming together, warts and all, worshiping, telling stories...it was good.
Years later, at the age of 43, after reading "Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge, I realized how I had been "walking alone", in the midst of many acquaintances, fellow workers, and relationships that never got beyond the veneer of the skin...to the Heart. There was also the realization that too much of my "Christian walk" had been about looking the right way, saying the right things, and being a "nice guy" with a "sinful and deceitful heart". When the internal struggles of performing to standards that I couldn't maintain sent me into a tailspin that led to old habits and addictions resurfacing in my life, I really did not have an answer...I mean I did have the answer, I just didn't know I had it...
"Wild at Heart" helped me get back to God's word, and started revealing truths that made the bible come alive as it related to me personally. The concept of knowing that we are in a battle, and we shouldn't fight alone brought clarity to many aspects of my life.
In May 2004, I traveled to Buena Vista Colorado for my first Wild at Heart Boot Camp. Over 375 men, from all different backgrounds, ages 19 to 75 converged on a Young Life Camp in the Rocky Mountains for four days of "unplugging from the matrix of day to day life" to experience the most "non religious" Christian gathering that I have ever been a part of. Thought provoking messages presented in ways that I could understand. Time alone with God asking Him questions and writing down what I felt Him speaking to me in my journal. I experienced a Freedom and communion with God that I'd never experienced before in my life. It was a realization of what Jesus said of himself as to "why He came"in Luke 4, when He quoted Isaiah 61.
In March of 2005, after going back for another Boot Camp, and also experiencing this life changing message in a small group format locally...I knew that I wanted to share this with other men. So the first Wednesday in March, 8 men and myself, with a 27' TV, a make shift surround sound system, and open hearts, started meeting at "The Barn"!....to be continued
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Launching ""Roundtable of Fellowship (without the table) by The Fire
I hope that this post finds you well, engaged,and knowing that you are Loved by an awesome Father in Heaven...
Last week we launched our 8 week journey in two different series at The Barn, "Fathered By God" and "Wild at Heart", based upon material from John Eldredge. I want to congratulate each of you for joining us on this expedition., and like most expeditions, the terrain will change frequently, and sometimes unexpectedly...rocky climbs with limited footing, rivers to cross, with what may seem like Class V rapids,as well as many opportunities to rest in yet to be discovered "Clefts of the Rock" that will offer shelter.
The awesome thing is that you are not on this journey alone...and that God is more committed to your success than you are!
I need to offer a few thoughts regarding the logistics of what will be happening during the next several weeks at The Barn.
We have twenty-five or so men signed up for "Fathered" by God", and about a dozen participating in the "Wild at Heart" series for the first time. One of the most important components of this series is the "breakout" time in the smaller groups.This is where you will get to know others, and they will get to know you. Because of the importance of these times we will close the "series" after this week, as well as not allow visitors, newcomers, those that are not committed to the 8 week series, etc. to come in and out of the small groups. This can be disruptive and can sabotage the whole series... With this said I want to put a couple of thoughts out there that will help us all to navigate over the next few weeks. With the number of men that we have participating, and the limited number of "breakout areas" that we have available, your cooperation is greatly appreciated!
* In The "Fathered by God" series there will be 4 Company's of men, ABLE, BRAVO, CHARLIE, & DOG. Those who have signed up have been pre-assigned to one of these. It will be important to stay with the same Company from week to week...There may be a time due to attendance that there are only 3 men in your group...that's OK! To make the most of the time that we have, we are trying to limit the size of each Company to 7 men.
* You may not be in the same group as the guy that you brought to The Barn, or came with...this is by design...It's OK!
* There will be a "facilitator" in each group who will be the guide. He is instructed to keep the conversations on the point of the series subject matter. He will also be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading and follow accordingly.
* If your Company finishes before others, please be courteous and minimize any chatter and traffic that could be disruptive- The "Roundtable (without the table) by the Fire Pit" will be the Rally point for conversations when your Company breaks for the evening. We will be setting up a table and coffee-maker out on The Porch to help minimize disruptions for the men who are still engaged with their Company.
* If the "Wild at Heart" Group has finished for the night, The "Living Room" is also available for a game of pool, Foosball, or fellowship.
I have made known my hope that anyone who has never been through the "Wild at Heart" series at least twice, be plugged into the series, or if you have been through WAH, jump into "Fathered by God"...these have been foundational to what's been happening at The Barn for over five years...It's what we do, and God has blessed it, and many men through it.
The Barn at its core is meant to be a place of refuge, a place of equipping and discipleship, and a place to connect with God, and other men. It's a place for us, as men to CHANGE!
The Barn has also been described as a place of "covering", to offer prayers, friendship, and support for those who are engaged in other initiatives and battles...we will continue to offer this "Covering"!...
For those who are unable to commit to this series, we are going to launch the"Roundtable of Fellowship(without the table) by The Fire"...This will also be available to all newcomers and visitors. My hope is to have a "Barn Alumni" (someone who has been engaged and participated in the WAH series) available for these, to help facilitate conversations, and answer any questions that may come up about "The Barn".
Regarding the "Roundtable" I offer the following...
The Round Table is King Arthur's famed table in the Arthurian legend, around which he and his Knights congregate. As its name suggests, it has no head, implying that everyone who sits there has equal status. The table was first described in 1155 by Wace, who relied on previous depictions of Arthur's fabulous retinue. The symbolism of the Round Table developed over time; by the close of the 12th century it had come to represent the chivalric order associated with Arthur's court.
If any of you have a spare "Camp Chair" that you'd like to bring to use, or donate for using around the fire...we'd appreciate it!
Because There is much to prepare fore on a weekly basis, we would appreciate some of you helping us by coming early and assist with setup, coffee, fire, etc.
Thank you to all of those of you who have supported The Barn in so many ways...financially, donating items that we use, setting up, etc. It is so helpful and encouraging to see you offer yourselves to take more ground in the lives of men (and through them their wives & families) for the Kingdom of God!
We also continue to ask for you prayers, manpower, as well as financial support as we endeavor to continue to facilitate these weekly gatherings at The Barn,
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!
Strength and Honor
Kevin S. Casner
"Our freedom must never be about us and us alone. Freedom is the gift of serving others out of love. This is the freedom that only God can give"... McManus
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
What's up at The Barn?

I almost didn't come to Boot Camp. Even after I made plane reservations. I was afraid to be with other men (intimidation). But I came anyway because I was chosen the first time I put my name in the lottery. I guess God did want me to go.
Before I came I knew that I had a very severe wound of shame. However, during my Friday session quiet time with God, He showed me a tree that was dead and withered. He said, "Son, you are not like that tree. You are like that tree over there. Tall, green, sturdy and strong."
God said, "Look around son. This is your adventure now. But with adventure comes battles. I will be with you during these battles."
I know the shame did not come from God or from me. It's not my fault. My heart has been, and will continue to be, restored. I have something to offer. I have something to give!

Monday, September 6, 2010
The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis - Free eBook
The Abolition of Man web links:
The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis - Free eBook
The Abolition of Man - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Abolition of Man: C.S. Lewis: 9780060652944: Christianbook.com
Amazon.com: The Abolition of Man (9780805420470): C. S. Lewis: Books
Thank you Dr. Barry L. of SES from the references at the SEMMR 2010.
Useful reference material as we study the Profile of a Man: Chest, Head and Belly.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Father/Son, Daughter time at The Barn

This Tuesday, August 17th, 6:30-8:30...we're gonna have some time for Fathers/Uncles? Big Brothers...to spend with their sons and daughters, or if their is a young warrior or princess in your life that you'd like to bring out, for some fun at The Barn...Come on!
We will have archery, volleyball,fooseball, pool, horseshoes, airsoft range etc..
for more info Call Kevin (704 309 7075) or Haines (704 564 5928)
Monday, July 12, 2010
Summer "Knights" at The Barn!

Summer "Knights” at the Barn with Al Woods
THIS Tuesday the 13th... Come join the Brethren at The Barn as our summer "Stories Series" continues. This week we welcome Al Woods to share his story, and his heart.
Please get there early for fellowship...then we start at 7:15!!
Al Woods is a 1981 graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Growing up in Gray Georgia, he quickly became successful in basketball and later earned All-American status in high school and college. Al was selected to play for the U.S. Men's Olympic Basketball team, and after playing four years for Dean Smith at UNC- Chapel Hill, was the 4th overall pick selected in the 1st round of the 1984 NBA draft by the Atlanta Hawks. He went on to play professionally for the San Diego Clippers, the Seattle Supersonics and the Dallas Mavericks as well as in South America, Italy, and France.
Al is the 5th all time leading scorer at UNC-Chapel Hill. He set, and still holds, the individual record for the most points scored in an NCAA semi-final game, scorching Ralph Sampson and Virginia, with 39 points. “Of all of the UNC players I’ve seen”, said Woody Durham, the Tar Heels radio play-by-play announcer since 1971, “Al Wood was the very best shooter. Al has to be #1---His shot was so pure”.
As an accomplished athlete, Al played under some of the finest collegiate and NBA coaches, including five hall of fame coaches. He saw true leadership modeled and has demonstrated the gift of leadership in his own life.
Al is currently an ordained minister on the staff of Morningstar Ministries in Fort Mill, SC. He is also the Principal and Athletic Director of their K-12 private Christian school, Comenius School for Creative Leadership. He has a passion to train, equip and release world-changing young people with godly character who are well-rounded academically, physically and spiritually.
Al met his wife of 26 years, Robin, at UNC-Chapel Hill. They were married in 1984 and have four children. One son, AJ, who is a 2007 graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill, Martina, a 2010 UNC-Chapel Hill graduate and women’s basketball team member, Candace, a junior at UNC as well and also a women’s basketball team member and Carmen, a freshman entering UNC-Chapel Hill in the fall of 2010.
In his spare time, Al is an avid golfer and enjoys spending time with his family.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Summer "Knights" at The Barn with Perry Tuttle

Men, This Tuesday, June 22nd at 7:00PM!....Come Join us as Perry Tuttle shares "his story" with the brethren at "The Barn"!
Perry Tuttle was a first round draft pick in the 1982 NFL draft and played 10 years of pro ball (NFL & CFL). Perry will always be remembered for the game winning catch during the 1982 Orange Bowl that won Clemson a national championship. He remains the only Clemson athlete to appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated.
Perry is a member of the ... South Carolina Hall of Fame, Clemson Hall of Fame, Davidson County Hall of Fame & the Winnipeg Hall of Fame. Perry is a noted author, speaker, coach and currently works with Fortune Companies, pro athletes and is the Chaplain of the Charlotte Bobcats.
As a master storyteller, Perry's weekly teachings inspire small and large groups alike to escalate their personal goals. Corporate groups, sports teams, faith-based organizations, and non-profit organizations all benefit from his fresh perspective on how to identify and overcome barriers to maximize performance.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
There fell down many slain, because the war was of God." — 1 Chronicles 5:22
Warrior, fighting under the banner of the Lord Jesus, observe this verse with holy joy, for as it was in the days of old so is it now, if the war be of God the victory is sure. The sons of Reuben, and the Gadites, and the half tribe of Manasseh could barely muster five and forty thousand fighting men, and yet in their war with the Hagarites, they slew "men, an hundred thousand," "for they cried to God in the battle, and He was entreated of them, because they put their trust in Him." The Lord saveth not by many nor by few; it is ours to go forth in Jehovah's name if we be but a handful of men, for the Lord of Hosts is with us for our Captain. They did not neglect buckler, and sword, and bow, neither did they place their trust in these weapons; we must use all fitting means, but our confidence must rest in the Lord alone, for He is the sword and the shield of His people. The great reason of their extraordinary success lay in the fact that "the war was of God." Beloved, in fighting with sin without and within, with error doctrinal or practical, with spiritual wickedness in high places or low places, with devils and the devil's allies, you are waging Jehovah's war, and unless He himself can be worsted, you need not fear defeat. Quail not before superior numbers, shrink not from difficulties or impossibilities, flinch not at wounds or death, smite with the two-edged sword of the Spirit, and the slain shall lie in heaps. The battle is the Lord's and He will deliver His enemies into our hands. With steadfast foot, strong hand, dauntless heart, and flaming zeal, rush to the conflict, and the hosts of evil shall fly like chaff before the gale. Stand up! stand up for Jesus!
To him that overcometh,
Monday, May 24, 2010
Summer "Knights" at The Barn! Starts 5/25/10

Hey Men...Join us Tuesday night as we will be sharing "stories of the journey" Pick up a sandwich and bring it on out early for fellowship (6:15ish), then we will start at 7:00!....Did I say 7:00???
Happy Memorial Day!
Check out this great article by Gordon Dalbey!! http://www.abbafather.com/articles/article_rmm.pdf
Questions? Call Kevin, 704-309-7075, or Haines 704-564-5928!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Neat Stuff Coming Up!

Monday, March 22, 2010
Journey into The Heart
If we are really going to help men. And through them
their families, their loved ones, and the world, three things have to happen.
First… a man has to get his own heart back. Without that he isn’t going to make it.
Second… he has to find his place in the battle. God has a
call on every man’s life,... and nothing seems to fit until we find the role we were meant for.
Third… we have to teach him how to fight.
This Tuesday, 7:00 PM Start time! at The Barn, we
will launch an "Intensive Journey into The Heart"! This is going to be a smaller "platoon' of men than what we have had the last couple of times doing the "Wild at Heart" series. It will be smaller, and more intentional.
This is for those who have not been through the series and have been participating at The Barn...It's also for some of you who have intended on doing the entire series but have missed 2 or more weeks during the series...You need to do this. There will also be a limited number of slots for those who have completed the series, but want to go deeper...to perhaps be a "platoon leader".
This is The Mission of The Barn. "Walking with God & other Men" to provide...
a) an awakening of the Heart,( Boot Camp)
b) Restoration of Wounds (Triage)
c) equipping and training
Please notice that "Nursing Home" is not
mentioned above...
We are after Irreversible change! This will require risk, honesty with yourself and others, and a willingness to participate & persevere "throughout" this journey
There will be additional training taking place on the "living room" side of The Barn for those that will not be joining us on this mission....space is limited.
See you at 1900 hours sharp!
Strength and Honor,
Kevin S. Casner
Monday, February 8, 2010
Tuesday Night at The Barn...
Tuesday Night at "The Barn"....7:00 Start time-get there early for fellowship- we will begin a "ramp up of the Wild at Heart Intensive" that starts next Tuesday the 16th. We have 7 slots left for this 8 week series...if you have been attending The Barn and have not been through the series, this is the time!...See you ...Tuesday...get back to me if you want to take one of the available slots!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
EVERY Tuesday Night - the Hits keep coming!

Join us...bring a friend. We're halfway through the Band of Brothers HBO series on the BIG BARN SCREEN. 7 p.m. Someone recently asked, "What were 30 men doing in a barn in twenty degree weather!" You'll have to come find out yourself. (Note: The barn has heat). Speaking of heat, some smokin' post-barn prayer has been reported going on around the woodstove.
Second Annual Fourth of July Extravaganza

Thanks to Everyone came...It was a Blast