A Band of Brothers in the greater Charlotte area seeking to connect with God and each other. Regular gathering EVERY Tuesday night at 7 p.m. at The Barn, 8.2 minutes south of Ballantyne near Indian Land, SC (listed on Google Maps as 8800 Collins Road - Fort Mill, SC) ...New guys show up every week...join us. ~ Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be men of courage, be strong, do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Tonight at The Barn "Crossroads"
The Band of Brothers Series will continue every Tuesday night at The Barn from 7-9 p.m. through the month of January...and perhaps beyond!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Tuesday Night....Part 4 "Replacements"...reinforcements Join Easy Company as they Join the largest Allied invasion in history, "Operation Market Garden"...This historical jump takes place on September 17, 1944. Eindhoven Holland, is liberated...but is the reconnaissance that this mission depends on accurate? How do the men of "Easy" react to the "new guys"? Can the "new guys" become part of "Easy Company"...Come join us at 7:00 PM and find out!....By the way..."New Guys" are welcomed! We welcome reinforcements at The Barn!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Band of Brothers - The Journey Continues
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Tonight at The Barn
Muster up all that you have within you as we join the men of Easy Company as they attempt to take the town of Carentan
See you at 7:00
Monday, November 30, 2009
Tuesday December 1st...at The Barn
Tuesday Night at The Barn...Part 2, of Band of Brothers..."Day of Days"...Join us as we launch at 19:00 hours...with Dick Winters and the Men of Easy Company, 506th PIR
Bring a Brother!See you There!
The Barn Brigade
Friends, Fellowship, Family, Fire & Food!...at The Barn!
6:33 PM until the Fire burns out!
We will be providing Chili …and Hotdogs for the kids
Please RSVP to trueidentity77@gmail.com and/or Scarlett at 704-622-9933 by Thursday December 3rd, so that we can coordinate who is bringing what…
Other ideas for you to bring…·
- Your favorite cornbread·
- Salad·
- Buns/condiments·
- Chips·
- Drinks·
- Dessert…maybe material for some “smores”
If you don’t have time to prepare or bring anything we will have a basket for some monetary contributions.
If you don’t have a few dollars to contribute and want to come, we’d love to have you!
Please RSVP to me at trueidentity77@gmail.com by Thursday December 3rd!
Feel free to pass this along to anyone that you are in community with.
We hope to see you there!
The Barn Brigade
Kevin S. Casner
Monday, October 12, 2009
Mo Barn Stuff!

REPORT....it was a blast...thanks to Otherwoods, the Official Barn Band, for sharing some great music and worship with us. Some serious dessert was consumed from awesome cobbler to HACs (Homemade Almond Cookies) to a variety of items that resulted from collaboration with Barn Men and Mr. Teeter.

Tuesday, October 27 - Tuesday Nov 3-10-17~ Continue on with Fathered by God....fasten your seatbelt for the next several Tuesdays.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Oct 2-3 Retreat Update...AWESOME!

The Sons of Issachar (one of the twelve tribes of Israel), were known as Warriors who “understood the times and knew what to do.” 1 Chronicles 12:32
WOW....what a great weekend!
Fresh Video from Event! Jelu Jumps!

Men from numerous churches and foxholes spent some time together away from the rat race. Wrestling with who God has called us to be, what it means to walk in our true strength, our true identity.
THANKS to Tiffany, Kim, Nick, Clay and the others from Camp Canaan for serving us well.
Friday, October 2 – Saturday, October 3, 2009

Camp Canaan, Rock Hill, SC
Friday, October 2
3 p.m. Early check-in
6:30 Dinner
8:00 Rally the Troops -Light the Bonfire & a few Christian cigars
Saturday, October 3
8 a.m. til 9 p.m. Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner – Couple of Sessions/Small Group Breakouts- Free Time/Play Time-Break Camp at 9 p.m. Staying over Saturday night might be an option.
Includes Friday night a
Check out Camp Canaan at http://www.campcanaan.org/

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Women....at the Barn?

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Rock the Barn Night - Tuesday, Sept 15
Certain to be memorable, we will have a great evening of hanging out, fellowship and worship from 7 p.m. til 9 p.m. As an encouragement to all, Hmax and R.D. Eckard have volunteered to lead off the worship portion of the evening in order to

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Welcome Christian Chamber Guys!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Young Warrior Night - Tuesday, August 18 - 6:30 p.m.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009
Wild Men in the Mountains!

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Crankin' on in FebRUary and March!

Saturday February 28th…7:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.…Work day at “The Barn” to clean up, straighten up, set up, pray over the property, and fellowship. 10:30 a.m.…Help a BRIT! Barn Bro Paul Gohl and his bride need some hands to help them move from the Steele Creek area. Contact paulgohl@yahoo.co.uk 704.576.5417
Tuesday, March 3 - Journey of Discovery - we're cranking up another 8-week series at The Barn. 7 p.m. til 8:59 p.m. What does it look like to walk in the strength God has called men to walk in...to find our hearts....to walk in our true calling and identity. film clip collection, words of wisdom from John Eldredge (Wild at Heart), Erwin McManus (The Barbarian Way), C.S. Lewis and friends, lots of small group breakout time (you'll surely learn more from each other than the wise, old Barn leaders). Note: This will be limited to first 24 guys who can commit to the series.
Summer of 2009 - A major studio MAY be announcing filming of a new project about the Barn starring Kevin Casner. Working titles under consideration are Dances with Wild Men and Beer: Helping White Men Dance since 1939.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
What's REALLY going on at the Barn?
Dare we forget King David? Yes, his passions got him in a heap of trouble—and gave us our book of worship, the Psalms. Sure, Peter was a hotheaded disciple always quick with a reply. Remember in the Garden of Gethsemane—he’s the one who lopped off the ear of the high priest’s servant. But he was also the first to acknowledge that Jesus was the Messiah, and despite his Good Friday betrayals he became a key apostle, contributed important pieces to the Scripture, and followed Jesus all the way to his own crucifixion, asking to be nailed to the cross upside down because he was not worthy to die in the manner of his Lord. Surely we remember that Paul was once Saul, the fiery young Pharisee “advancing in Judaism beyond many Jews of my own age and . . . extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers” (Gal. 1:14). His zeal made him the foremost persecutor of the church. When Christ knocked him off his donkey on the Damascus road, Paul was hunting down the church, “uttering threats with every breath” (Acts 9:1 NLT). Christ captured his zeal, and after Damascus it led him to “work harder than all the other apostles” (1 Cor. 15:10 NLT). Augustine was also a passionate young man, sexually licentious, enamored with the pleasures of Rome, “scratching the sore of lust,” as he would call it after Christ got hold of him. He went on to become one of the great pillars of the church, laying the foundation for the rise of Christendom after the fall of Rome. Desire, a burning passion for more, is at the heart of both saints and sinners. Those who would kill the passion altogether would murder the very essence that makes heroes of the faith.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Wild Man Stuff in 2009

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Fwd: Segal Prayer and Praise Report - Update from the Front
Kind Regards,
Daniel K. "Dan" King
From: Matt Lorence <>
Date: Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 9:34 AM
Subject: Segal Prayer and Praise Report - Update from the Front
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Dear All,
Finally, Batya and I slept through the night undisturbed without waking up 2-4 times in the night. I feel rested after a long day yesterday in which I went to the border of the Gaza Strip where the other journalists from all over the world were doing their reports in many languages.
You may wonder why I was there? I was preparing a video report for Christian television in the UK and for our internet news site at: www.jnnnews.com. It should be up and loaded soon, keep watching. As I was taping with my cameraman and good friend Jan, a plume of white smoke went off from the heart of Gaza City and then an alarm went off in Sderot behind us with only a maximum of 15 seconds to take cover from the incoming Qassam rocket which missed the small town and struck about 200 meters from where we stood. We got most of it on tape while running for cover. Only minutes later another Qassam rocket came our way but only about 300 meters away.
You would think that the foreign TV crews would get the message but obviously not. What will it take for them to understand the nature of Islamic terrorism?
While we were there I had a real burden just to pray for Ariel who was probably somewhere within 5-10 miles of where I stood, maybe even much less. Fierce fighting was taking place and some report we received told us that a few paratroopers from our son's regiment were wounded. Thank the Lord, Ariel was not on the list of wounded, however we do care for all of them and continue to pray for all their safety. They have to have great discernment due to suicide bombers, several of whom have been shot in trying to reach the soldiers. This we need to focus more on in prayer, to expose the suicide bombers before they can reach their targets amongst us.
One encouraging piece of news came yesterday in the daily major Israeli newspaper; we are convinced that Ariel is in one of the photos. Seven of us who have seen the photo all agree its him from a side view. It is as if Ariel was sending us a message that everything is gonna be alright.
Just a little while ago our plumber Yossi walked in to fix the heating system and although not religious in character he looked at us and said, "Ariel is going to be alright, he belongs first to the Lord and then to you his parents. He's in God's hands." This is coming from a Jewish unbeliever, maybe not so far off in reality. Keep him in prayer.
In closing for today, I have had to cancel a two week ministry and fund raising tour for the most obvious reasons. Please pray that the ministry work of Vision for Israel & The Joseph Storehouse will not lack in any way and will be able to meet its financial obligations and ongoing aid and media projects to reach the nation of Israel.
2 Samuel 22:3
The God of my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, My stronghold and my refuge; My Savior, You save me from violence.
We appreciate all your ongoing prayers,
In His Service,
Barry for the Segal Family
Second Annual Fourth of July Extravaganza

Thanks to Everyone came...It was a Blast