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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What's up at The Barn?

We're pumped about a new video series, Fathered by God, that will begin Tuesday, September 21. We'll also be starting the Wild at Heart/Band of Brothers series for guys that have never been through that.

Surprises at the Barn. One of the pioneers of the Promise Keepers movement, Glenn Wagner, will be sharing his story tonight....join us! A few weeks back, we were surprised by the appearance of retired General Jerry Boykin, original member of Delta Force and leader of the Green Berets. "Wow" and "Thank you, General" is about all we can say. Just finished his book, Never Surrender..........excellent!

Wild at Heart Bootcamp in Colorado! Thumbs up to Bill D, David G, and new barn guy, Joel, on their trip to Bootcamp in Colorado....looking forward to hearing what God did there. Below are the words off the Ransomed Heart website from a fellow who just returned:

I almost didn't come to Boot Camp. Even after I made plane reservations. I was afraid to be with other men (intimidation). But I came anyway because I was chosen the first time I put my name in the lottery. I guess God did want me to go.

Before I came I knew that I had a very severe wound of shame. However, during my Friday session quiet time with God, He showed me a tree that was dead and withered. He said, "Son, you are not like that tree. You are like that tree over there. Tall, green, sturdy and strong."

God said, "Look around son. This is your adventure now. But with adventure comes battles. I will be with you during these battles."

I know the shame did not come from God or from me. It's not my fault. My heart has been, and will continue to be, restored. I have something to offer. I have something to give!

Projecting Hope Film Festival - FREE God-honoring movies....September 23-26 at Ayrsley Cinemas in Charlotte. for schedule. ALSO-all-day LIVE (and FREE) music on Saturday the 25th outside the theaters including our Barn brothers OTHERWOODS!

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Second Annual Fourth of July Extravaganza

Second Annual Fourth of July Extravaganza
Thanks to Everyone came...It was a Blast